For Apple, e-Commerce is used in ways that simplify the shopping process by culling the price and availability of products from designated Web sites, among other features. Sherlock II is Apple’s upgraded search engine technology, which creates information partnerships with other businesses, and even collaborates with other businesses on new product and service offerings. Business-to-business is used in a wide variety because shoppers can submit a query for a product they want, and Sherlock II will inform them who has the product and at what price as well as link them to the site. The company is working on adding the ability to search on specific sets of sites. When a set of e-commerce sites is selected, Mac consumers, as well as garner ad revenues will automatically display the search results in a window that lists all of the transactions made.
Internet Business Models:
Apple uses many different methods of utilizing the internet to connect to people and other businesses. Business to Business e-commerce is used in the selling of computers to help operate everyday proficinicy in other businesses. Business to Consumer e-commerce is the selling of ipods, computer, and other products to different individuals rather than businesses. Business to Government e-commerce is the process of selling of any Apple products to government operated organizations. As you can tell Apple has many different groups of customers and does not favor or focus in on just one certain group.
Marketing Mix:
The types of marketing mix that Apple adopts are Twitter updates, Ebooks, and My Friends List. Apple is adding users to its marketing mix by giving users a way to tell the world through traditional media; what they think about their iPhones and iPods. Apple has created commercials just for the YouTube community. There are icons on Facebook leading to sites that offer new updates about Apple and discounts or new technology.
Payment Systems:
In choosing to purchase from Apple you are offered many different types of payment options. Financial cybermediary is an Internet based company that makes it easy for one person to pay another person or organization over the internet. Paying for your items over the internet is a major way that Apple generates sales and revenus today. Another example of this is electronis bill presentment and payment, this system sends bills over the internet and helps to provide an easy method for you to pay them.Most business to consumer transactions involve to use of credit cards. For most of the business to business transcactions electronic data interchange is used. This is the direct computer-to-computer transfer of transaction information contained in standard business documents. There is always the option of paying for items with cash or gift cards.